The AVReQ Orientation

AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

Please download the program for detailed times: AVReQOrientation Programme (.docx | 3 Mb)

MASTERCLASS with Shirley Anne Tate in conversation with Dennis Francis

AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

research ● professional trajectory● and scholarly/personal/political journey SHIRLEY ANNE TATE Shirley Anne Tate is a Jamaican descendant of African enslaved people. She is Professor and Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Feminism and Intersectionality, Sociology [...]

Qualitative Research with Sensitive and Vulnerable Groups Seminar Series

AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is designed as preparation for undertaking qualitative research and dissertation work in sensitive locations, on controversial topics, and with vulnerable, hard-to-access groups. Students will be able to design and critically discuss [...]

GERI Gender Workshop & Dialogue

AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

The Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) programme is a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to advancing gender equality and fostering reconciliation in diverse communities worldwide. GERI operates on the premise that lasting gender equity cannot [...]

Tamar Garb in Conversation with William Kentridge

STIAS Wallenberg Centre 10 Marais Road, Auditorium 1, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Soviet and Apartheid-era Cultures in the ‘moving’ art of William Kentridge: The Politics of Aesthetics: The Aesthetics of Politics Tamar Garb in Conversation with William Kentridge Focussing on William Kentridge’s engagement with Russian Constructivism, [...]

Fanon In the Moment? A Critical Workshop with Homi Bhabha

AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

AVReQ invites you to the Homi Bhabha Workshop, where we will closely read and discuss Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks. This workshop offers an opportunity for scholars and researchers in the Faculty of [...]

African Art, Black Subjectivity, and African Psychology

AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

Refusing Racialised Structures of Aesthetic or Identity Theories This conversation will discuss some of the imperatives and challenges in the name 'African art' and the epistemic and ontological issues it raises, asking what it means [...]

AVReQ Annual Postgraduate Symposium

AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

The AVReQ Annual Postgraduate Symposium is a premier academic event dedicated to highlighting the outstanding research conducted by our MA and PhD fellows. This symposium serves as a vibrant forum for the exchange of innovative [...]