Latest Past Events
Bearing Witness to Atrocities: A Conversation between Jacqueline Rose and Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, StellenboschWhat does it mean to bear witness in a world where violence feels relentless? When speaking out leads to hostility instead of understanding, what remains of the power of testimony? In this conversation between Prof [...]
AVReQ Annual Postgraduate Symposium
AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, StellenboschThe AVReQ Annual Postgraduate Symposium is a premier academic event dedicated to highlighting the outstanding research conducted by our MA and PhD fellows. This symposium serves as a vibrant forum for the exchange of innovative [...]
The Afterlife of Apartheid’s Immorality Act – Enduring Legacies of the Criminalization of Interracial Desire
AVReQ Offices GG Cillie Education Building, Ryneveld Street, StellenboschIn 1950 the apartheid regime passed the Immorality (Amendment) Act that criminalized heterosexual desire between “Europeans” and “non-Europeans.” During the 35 years the Act was on the statute book over 19,000 South Africans, mostly [...]