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So far hagen has created 129 blog entries.

Prof Monique D. A. Kelly Delivers Insightful Lecture on Racial Inequality in the Anglophone Caribbean

In a captivating lecture, Professor Monique D. A. Kelly, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Michigan State University, provided a fresh perspective on racial inequality in the Anglophone Caribbean. The event, titled [...]

2023-12-22T08:43:10+00:00October 19, 2023|Highlights, News|

Cogs In a Machine: Exploring Organizational Dehumanization In Post-Apartheid South Africa

Dr. Melanie Cilliers Unravels Organizational Dehumanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa In a thought-provoking event held on 27 September, 2023, at the AVReQ Seminar Room, Dr. Melanie Cilliers, a distinguished postdoctoral fellow at (AVReQ), illuminated the [...]

2023-12-22T08:42:25+00:00September 27, 2023|News|

African Perspectives on Healing Masculinity: Lessons from the ‘Masculinity Meets Humanity’ Dialogue

Siphosethu Baleni On August 30, 2023, Thandile Ngxikwe, an activist focused on issues surrounding gender and other intersectional experiences of oppression faced by students at Stellenbosch University, collaborated with AVReQ and First Rand Empowerment Foundation [...]

2024-05-03T10:53:49+00:00September 15, 2023|Blog|

The Necropolitical Violence of the Township: Exploring Colonial and Racial Trauma in Colonial and Apartheid South Africa

Dr Veeran Naicker This postdoc lecture details the progress, modifications, and problems in Dr Naicker’s research this year. It also signifies the opportunity to express a certain departure and rearticulation of the problematic of [...]

2023-10-09T10:58:09+00:00August 16, 2023|Gallery, Highlights, News|

Masterclass | Gabrielle Goliath in conversation with Rabia Abba Omar | Radical Familiar. A different kind of aesthetic encounter

In this installment of the masterclass, Rabia Abba Omar was in conversation with Gabrielle Goliath as she shared on “Radical Familiar. A different kind of aesthetic encounter.” This episode of the AVReQ Masterclass stirred [...]

2024-05-13T10:16:29+00:00August 12, 2023|Podcast|
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