Professor Azrini Wahidin from the University of Warwick, Department of Sociology, is currently being hosted by the Centre for the Study of the Afterlife of Violence and the Reparative Quest (AVReQ). She is the author of 13 co-edited books, 3 monographs and numerous articles.

She has been privileged to collaborate with Professor Gobodo-Madikizela and the Centre over a number of years. Her edited collection with Professor John Brewer (2022), ‘Ex-Combatant’s’ Voices: Transitioning from War to Peace in Northern, Ireland, South Africa and Sri Lanka’, draws on her book: Ex-combatants, Gender and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland- Women, the Prison Experience and Political Protest.

Her latest book: ‘Under Siege: The role of women in liberation movements under the Apartheid regime and the transition to peace’, is forthcoming. It serves to address the gap in the literature to not only understand the sustained engagement of women’s combatant roles in the liberation struggle but to account for the ways in which female ex-combatants experience encounters with state forces and state violence. The book examines women’s experiences of political protest and the role they played as women in configuring the pathway to peace for a new South Africa.

Professor Wahidin is delighted to draw on the expertise of the Centre members to complete her book. She will be presenting her work and will give a number a master classes during her time at AVReQ.

Professor Gobodo-Madikizela and Professor Wahidin are recipients of funding from the University of Warwick to develop and strengthen research and teaching collaborations, reflecting the international partnership between the two universities.