Kate Woode-Smith is a graduate assistant at AVReQ. She recently graduated with an MA in Psychology from SU after forming part of the FirstRand/AVReQ Master’s scholarship cohort 2023/24. She assists in coordinating the communications and events at the Centre, as well as the short courses presented by AVReQ. Her research interest explores gender relations and the stories we know and tell about gender and violence in the South African context, as well as the ways in which new technologies and media can both reinforce and disrupt gendered discourses in South Africa and more broadly. Her MA thesis titled, “A narrative exploration of the experiences, meaning making, and identity construction of anti-GBV digital activists in the South African context” explored the experiences of prominent anti-GBV activist who use Instagram to combat GBV in SA.
Email: katews@sun.ac.za | Tel: +27 (21) 808 4277