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Truth Be Told is a six-part documentary series that puts South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) process under the microscope. Very few of the several hundred cases that the TRC recommended for prosecution or investigation more than 20 years ago have been pursued by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). The series is aimed at unpacking the impact of the apartheid era’s gross human rights violations, which extend beyond each single criminal incident and continue to affect South Africans individually and collectively. The series explores six disturbing cases: those of Ndwandwe, Bheki Mlangeni, Ntombi Kubheka, Topsy Madaka, Richard and Irene Motasi, and Matthews Mabelane. In each case, the adult children and family members of the murdered activists take centre stage, giving searing accounts of transgenerational trauma and how it has affected their lives. The selection of stories aims to provide a tapestry of past events that still resound in the present as the film asks why the NPA failed to rise to the task of investigating and prosecuting those to whom the TRC did not give amnesty or those who did not apply for amnesty.

Enver Samuels -director

Date, time and venue to be confirmed.