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Prof Gabeba Baderoon to deliver the 5th Stellenbosch University Annual Africa Day Lecture, Hosted by the Vice Chancellor

In collaboration with the Centre for Collaboration in Africa

Tile: The University and Its Hinterland: A Relief Map

In “The University and Its Hinterlands: A Relief Map,” Gabeba Baderoon draws on memoir, history and critique to reflect on the academy and its meanings in the post-apartheid era. Through a poetic meditation, she explores the historical distances and fraught intimacies of the South African university, what she terms its relation to its many hinterlands. In new writing on colonial archives and imaginings of landscape, absence and belonging begun during Professor Baderoon’s decade-long Extraordinary Professorship of English at Stellenbosch University, she shares the insights and new possibilities that emerge for the university and its communities through an accounting with its histories, distances and nearnesses.

Gabeba Baderoon

Gabeba Baderoon is a poet and scholar. She is the author of three poetry collections, The Dream in the Next Body, A hundred silences and The History of Intimacy. She is a member of the editorial board of the African Poetry Book Fund and co-directs the African Feminist Initiative at Penn State University, where she is an Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, African Studies and Comparative Literature. Prof Baderoon is also the author of Regarding Muslims: From Slavery to Post-Apartheid and, with Desiree Lewis, co-edited the essay collection, Surfacing: On Being Black and Feminist in South Africa. Prof Baderoon is the 2023 Sarah Baartman Senior Fellow at the University of Cape Town.

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