The Gender Dialogue Series is a groundbreaking initiative spearheaded by Dr. Samantha van Schalkwyk and student activist Thandile Ngxikwe in collaboration with the First Rand Empowerment Foundation. This series is a dynamic platform designed to foster meaningful conversations around gender, inviting students and stakeholders alike to engage in dialogue, storytelling, and the sharing of diverse perspectives. Our Gender Dialogue Series is not just an academic exercise; it’s a call to action, driven by the urgent need to address and dismantle the pervasive violence against women and gender-based violence (GBV) in our society. Through these dialogues, we seek to understand what perpetuates GBV, who sustains it, and most importantly, what steps we can take collectively to eradicate it.
We believe in the power of dialogue to effect real change. By bridging the gap between academic theory and practical engagement, we aim to create a space where students can come together to explore gender issues from all angles. This series is a testament to our commitment to fostering inclusivity, empathy, and actionable solutions in the fight against gender inequality and violence.
Our aim is to make a difference and work towards a future where gender equality is not just a goal but a lived reality for all.
Dr Brenda Bartelink Challenges Myths Surrounding Gender-Based Violence at AVReQ’s Gender Dialogue Series
In a provocative lecture that forms part of AVReQ's Gender Dialogue Series, Dr Brenda Bartelink, a revered anthropologist of religion, delivered an insightful presentation titled Framing Violence: Challenging Harmful Myths Around Gender-Based Violence in [...]
Masculinity Meets Humanity: An Adapted Model of Masculinised Psychotherapy
Asivile Loki In collaboration with FirstRand, AVReQ hosted the inaugural session of the AVReQ Gender Dialogues which occurred at the centre’s seminar room at Stellenbosch University. Delivering an incredibly pertinent and insightful lecture on [...]