Professor Dennis Francis is a South African-based scholar and activist whose work engages with questions related to gender, sexualities and schooling. Dennis is a former Dean of Education and currently a Professor of Sociology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Their research, located in the sociology of education, focuses on how educational structures, discourses and practices reproduce cisheteronormativity and social inequality in schools and how these are also resisted and challenged. They have published extensively in international high-impact and relevant journals in the fields of gender, sexualities and education. Their most recent books are Troubling the Teaching and Learning of Gender and Sexuality Diversity in South African Education (PalgraveMacmillan, 2017) and Queer Activism in South African Education: Disrupting Cis(hetero)normativity in Schools (Routledge 2022). Professor Francis is also the recipient of several distinguished teaching and researcher awards, including the South African Education Research Association (ERASA) and the Stellenbosch Distinguished Teacher Award.

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